The Hari Post

Sunday, May 02, 2010


Sage Valmiki’s Overwhelming feeling of pity and sorrow for a Karucha bird that lost its mate to a hunter‘s aim burst into a curse for the hunter. The emotional outburst was a perfect Sanskrit sloka . With Lord Brahma’s Blessing, Sage Valmiki was blessed to see the life of Lord Rama. And hence the sage could write the epic Ramayana. We are all thankful to Sage Valmiki who has given us the epic Ramayana to this world for the benefit of the whole world.

Now let us discuss our topic of “Misunderstanding”. Let us take the example from Ramayana.

We all know what the evil advice the maid servant Mantara to her Queen Kaikeyi was. Due to such ill advice, Kaikeyi misunderstood King Dhasarata Chakravarthi. Kaikeyi accused Dhasarata to be a plotter who had initiated Lord Rama's coronation in the absence of Bharata; Kaikeyi feared Lord Rama would banish Bharata once He became the king and she also misunderstood that Bharata would love the kingdom which she got from Dhasarata with such effort.

At the dawn on the fateful day of coronation of Lord Rama as King of Ayodhya, Lord Rama made up his mind to go to forest and this attracted much sympathy. But the next few days it was Bharata who was under much mental agony. Since Bharata was now the heir Prince of Ayodhya, this point alone drew much suspicion on Bharata.

When sage Vasishta asks Bharata to take the Kingdom that was given by Dhasarata and Rama, Bharata refuses the kingdom and leaves to forest to bring back Lord Rama as King.

Bharata leaves Ayodhya with his three mothers Kaushalya, Keikeyi & Sumitra along with sage Vasishta and huge army to bring back Rama, they started to cross river Ganga. At the other bank their apparent 5th brother Guha (the hunter King) though received Bharata and rendered service to him, suspected Bharata might go hostile against Rama.

Pained by the suspicion of Guha, Bharata cried “Alas, What a greater shame can to me more than this, that men who love Rama should fear and suspect me? Have no misgivings, Guha. Rama is my father now, for he has taken the place of my lost father. I have come here to beg Rama to return to Ayodhya. I swear, I have no other purpose in my mind.”

Guha rejoiced to see in Bharata’s face his intense love for Rama. Guha says “My Lord Who in the world can equal you in sacrifice? Who but you would renounce such wealth and power coming unsought? Your glory will shine forever.”

Thus one can realize Bharata's nobility.

Taking leave from Guha, Bharata left to sage Bharatwaj’s ashramam and them to where the two brothers meet.

After a long conversation between Rama and Bharata, neither were inclined to become take the kingdom as for Rama it was to uphold the boon of his father Dhasarata to Kaikeyi and for Bharata it was the eldest son of Suryakulam the Kingdom Belongs to.

Bharata's outright refusal dismisses any trace of suspicion about any ulterior motive in his actions.

Wise sage Vasishta found the solution to this and asks Bharata to accept the Kingdom under the command and authority of Lord Rama or simply Bharata as Rama’s Deputy.

References :

1. Ramayan By Sri C Rajagopalachari


3. Pictures were selected from internet.